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Possible Water Outages: Talasa and The Point

Dec 11, 2021

On Wednesday, Dec 15 (between 8 AM and 4 PM), watermain construction work will be taking place in the Talasa and The Point neighbourhoods. This work is required in preparation for the new Village Centre construction.

Crews are not expecting a disruption in water service, but there remains the possibility of temporary water outages during this work. Areas that may be affected are:

  • Talasa Apartments (Navaro, Alamar, and Paloma)
  • All The Point residences

If water outages do occur, customers my experience discoloured or cloudy tap water. Opening taps and letting water run freely for a couple minutes should clear your household plumbing.

We apologise for this inconvenience, and appreciate your patience as we build a water system for all Sun Rivers residents.

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