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Keeping you informed about the essential utility services you rely on every day

Apr 08, 2020

At the Corix Group of Companies, our employees work every day to provide our communities with safe and reliable water, wastewater, and energy services. In the face of COVID-19, that commitment has never been stronger.

“Our employees take great pride in providing essential utility services to our customers during these unprecedented times.”
Catherine Heigel, EVP & COO Corix Regulated Utilities

We’re also committed to keeping you continually informed of our efforts—and how you can help us, and your community, get through this together.

Please observe Physical Distancing

Email Graphics-03Our field employees continue to perform meter reads and maintenance in your area, while practicing mandatory Physical Distancing (min. 2m/6ft). If you see someone working in your neighbourhood, please extend the same consideration—for everyone’s safety.

Billing considerations

We realize many customers are facing unexpected financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. As announced March 10, we have suspended late fee payments and disconnections for nonpayment.

In the meantime, we encourage all customers to stay as current as possible with bill payments, to avoid large balances that may be harder to manage later.

Scammers are still in business

Email Graphics-05A particularly ugly side of this crisis is scammers taking advantage of people when they’re most vulnerable. Please be extra vigilant for these phone, email, and online scams.

Disconnection Threat 
Never respond to a threat to disconnect your services. Disconnections have been suspended for the time being.

Requested Payment 
Never respond to an urgent request for payment, or purchase of a prepaid debit card. Our trusted payment options remain unchanged.

Personal Information 
Never provide personal information to someone claiming to be from a utility company. We would never request this by email or online form.

And while Physical Distancing should be your primary concern when allowing anyone into your home, if one of our field employees needs access to your water meter, they will first show you their Corix identification.

If you have any doubts whatsoever about the legitimacy of a phone call, email, or service visit—STOP—hang-up, delete the email, and contact Customer Care directly to report your concerns.

Patty Potty says ‘this ain’t no time for nasty plumbing’

Keep using those sanitary wipes, but PLEASE put them in the trash, NOT down the toilet.


Customer Care

Our Customer Care staff are ready by email or phone to answer any questions about your utility services. You may experience longer hold times as we help other customers, and we appreciate your patience.

At the Corix Group of Companies, we’re taking appropriate, science-based actions to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19.

We’re committed to this unprecedented global effort and implore you do your part as well. If you require more information, please contact Customer Care.

Thank you.

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