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The decisions we’re making today

May 01, 2020

As the COVID-19 crisis evolves, we as individuals, organizations, and communities will have important decisions to make. Decisions that affect us all.

Corix responded quickly to the crisis, putting the safety of our customers and employees first. We determined early on that our decisions would be guided by scientific and medical facts, and our actions would be cautious and measured. And when in doubt, we would always err on the side of safety.

The decision to stay the course… for now

Based on those principles, we began working remotely, adopted physical distancing schedules for our operators and took other measures to protect everyone.

Those guiding principles remain firmly in place, but we recognize and appreciate the desire to begin opening our economies. We feel it too. And, as things begin to return to normal, please understand that we’ll continue to operate remotely and take precautions to protect you and our employees.

That decision is supported by the knowledge that all our systems continue to function normally, and all necessary maintenance is being done. More importantly, we believe we’re well prepared to continue providing those essential water, wastewater, and energy services you rely on, as we work through this crisis.

The decision to stay safe

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While our services continue to function normally, our employees, like so many, are adapting to the new not normal. For now, all our employees will continue to work remotely; they will observe physical distancing; and they’ll use the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) in field and plant work.

For customers, this means we’ll continue our policy of suspending the disconnection of services and late fees; our offices will remain closed; and our staff will continue to observe physical distancing protocols when performing meter reads and maintenance in your area. We’ll keep you informed as the situation evolves.

Patty Potty says, “those so-called ‘flushable’ wipes might flush down, but they sure don’t flush out, honey”.


Customer Care

Invoice Reverse Side Graphics-05Our Customer Care staff are ready by email or phone to answer any questions about your utility services. You may experience longer hold times as we help other customers, and we appreciate your patience.

At the Corix Group of Companies, we’re taking appropriate, science-based actions to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19.

We’re committed to this unprecedented global effort and implore you do your part as well. If you require more information, please contact Customer Care.

Thank you.

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