On October 14, Corix Utilities held a Virtual Public Open House for customers of the Cultus Lake Water Utility to present information regarding its intent to submit a Regulatory Application to the British Columbia Comptroller of Water Rights. The Application will seek approval for infrastructure upgrades to improve water quality by addressing hard water issues currently affecting customers.
Corix would like to thank all participants of the public open house for taking the time to attend. We encourage you to provide written feedback on the topics discussed in the presentation. Your feedback will be considered by Corix staff during the preparation of the regulatory application and project planning.

October 14 Open House Presentation
Instructions for Feedback
Written feedback should be emailed to RegulatoryAffairs.Canada@corix.com by no later than end of day October 21, 2021. All feedback should include:
- Name
- Address
- Neighbourhood (Aquadel, Cottages, Creekside, Lindell Beach)
- Description of whether the author is a customer or represents a group of customers
The above customer information will be gathered solely for the purpose of assessing the context and analyzing the feedback provided.
Corix encourages customers to write clear statements with reasons to support your position on the topics presented.
If you have questions please contact us at RegulatoryAffairs.Canada@corix.com or 604.455.3600.